Pulskamp News

Family History, News, and Plans for the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps August 1-3, 2008

The Pulskamp Poll 2008

Posted on December 1, 2008 - Filed Under Family history, Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | 1 Comment

As you may recall, if you were at the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps, Birgit Pulskamp from Germany gave us a little poll to fill out. The following are the results of that poll. I don’t know how many Pulskamps completed the form, but it provides an interesting bit of information about our wonderful […]

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Note from Jerry Pulskamp: Can you help?

Posted on October 10, 2008 - Filed Under Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | 1 Comment

Hi Ellen, Hope your world is back to normal, whatever that is. We still find ourselves taking about the reunion, whether people want to hear about it or not. It was fantastic! I have a problem. I’m trying to track down an aunt and her children. My dad was the son of Edward and Elizabeth […]

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Email and Link to Photos from the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps

Posted on September 3, 2008 - Filed Under Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | Leave a Comment

I received the email below and publish it here with permission: Hello Pulskamps!! Just a note to send all of you links to my “Picasa” albums page where I have 3 albums of photos from the recent Pulskamp World Reunion, each corresponding to a different aspect of our visit.  Now don’t get too excited.  You […]

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Wonderful Weekend: World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps

Posted on August 7, 2008 - Filed Under Family history, Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | 3 Comments

The first photos of the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps are in! Check out the photo gallery by clicking on the tab at the top of the page (Pulskamp Photo Gallery), which will take you to another page. Then click on the words “Pulskamp Photo Gallery” again on that page. That will take you […]

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Exciting Trip Home

Posted on August 6, 2008 - Filed Under Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | Leave a Comment

Well, we finally got home from the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps. What an adventure! The weekend was incredibly wonderful! Awesome cousins! Great food! Fantastic weather! Super conversations! Photos, mementos, an awesome PowerPoint presentation by the German Pulskamps, and hayrides too! We got to visit the original Pulskamp farmstead, the current Pulskamp farms, Oldenburg, […]

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What Kind of Cousin Are You?

Posted on August 6, 2008 - Filed Under Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | 2 Comments

Generally, a cousin is a person who shares with you a common ancestor. Specifically, we use the word cousin to describe the children of your parents’ siblings (your aunts and uncles). That was not always the case. Prior to the Civil War, the term “cousin” referred to any relative or to friends and neighbors you […]

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Pulskamp in a Word

Posted on August 6, 2008 - Filed Under Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | Leave a Comment

At the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps last week, (August 1-3, 2008) we had a large sheet of paper for folks to jot down a word or two that sums up the character of a Pulskamp. Below are the comments we received. * Unpredictable * Honest * World class * Integrity * Determined * […]

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Huge success!

Posted on August 3, 2008 - Filed Under Pulskamps Today, World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | 1 Comment

The World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps was a huge success! About 220 Pulskamps participated! We talked and laughed and had a wonderful time. The food was great, the weather was perfect, and no one wanted to go home. We visited the original farm that the family bought in August of 1845 as well as […]

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Late Registrations

Posted on July 24, 2008 - Filed Under World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | 2 Comments

Late registrations for the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps are coming in fast and furious! Just yesterday we were at 156 registered and today we are at 174! Wow! What a grand party we shall have! It is not too late to register, but it would be most wonderful if I could have all […]

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World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamp, update

Posted on July 23, 2008 - Filed Under World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps | 1 Comment

As of today, July 23rd, we have 156 Pulskamp family members registered for the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps! This includes eleven from the family which currently owns the farm in Merzen, Germany, 27 from the family of the oldest son, seventy-two from the family of the middle son, and forty-six from my line, […]

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