Pulskamp News

Family History, News, and Plans for the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps August 1-3, 2008

New Photos of Old Home, Cincinnati

Posted on March 31, 2008 - Filed Under Family history, Pulskamps Today | Leave a Comment

Cousin Patricia O’Hara and her dear husband made a trip over to the old haunts recently and sent me some fresh photos of the house my grandfather lived in as a child. The house is located at 1608 Young Street, Cincinnati and I featured it in a few posts some time ago. (You can find […]

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Who’s Who in Franklin County, IN in 1915?

Posted on March 20, 2008 - Filed Under Family history | 1 Comment

A History of Franklin County, Indiana.  Her People, Industries and Institutions was written by August J. Reifel in 1915.  The book is dedicated “to the dear, departed ones, whose busy hands changed the giant forests into fertile fields, whose love of home established the hearthstones, the tender ties of which yet bind together the heartstrings […]

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Our Very Own Swim Star

Posted on March 19, 2008 - Filed Under Pulskamps Today | Leave a Comment

Cousin Megan Pulskamp is a great swimming star at the University of Kentucky. She has an important swim meet Easter weekend and we all wish her well. You can check out a story about her at the UK Athletics website. Megan’s grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Ryan Pulskamp, wrote the blue covered book about the Pulskamp family […]

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Skeletons in the Closet

Posted on March 13, 2008 - Filed Under Family history, Pulskamps Today | Leave a Comment

The story below, about the FBI investigation of one Pulskamp, brings to mind the old “skeletons in the closet” issue. Every family has some stories that they consider too embarrassing to share. My own take on that is that, after some years, those stories add color and depth to the family history. Why should we […]

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FBI Investigation of a Pulskamp

Posted on March 12, 2008 - Filed Under Family history | Leave a Comment

Poking around on the Internet, I found a report on an FBI investigation of a Pulskamp. Imagine my surprise! I was even more surprised to find out it was not one of my immediate family. Now calm down. The young man involved was completely exhonorated and may not have even known he was under investigation. […]

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