Pulskamp News

Family History, News, and Plans for the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps August 1-3, 2008

Pulskamp Centennial in North Dakota

Posted on June 4, 2013 - Filed Under Uncategorized

In 1913, Jacob Pulskamp purchased 198 acres of land north of Hillsboro, North Dakota. That farm is still very much viable today and the Pulskamp family is planning for a big centennial celebration. The event will take place on Saturday, July 6, 2013.

The big day will include lunch, a presentation by Leo Pulskamp on his recent book: Namesake: The Story of Jacob Pulskamp, family friendly activities and dinner. On Sunday, the family and friends are invited to join for Mass at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church at 8:30 AM, which will be followed by a lite snack at the Pulskamp Farm.

If you can attend, bring cameras, stories, and family photos to share. For more specific information, send me a comment and I will email you directly with what details I have. The North Dakota Pulskamps would like to know by June 10 if you plan to attend so they can plan accordingly.


One Response to “Pulskamp Centennial in North Dakota”

  1. Jerry Pulskamp on July 8th, 2013 12:55 pm

    There is a St Rose church in Lima OH. If you were having it there I’d be happy to come. Have a great time!

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