Pulskamp News

Family History, News, and Plans for the World Wide Gathering of the Pulskamps August 1-3, 2008

Mary Klei Pulskamp Photo

Posted on January 31, 2008 - Filed Under Family history

St. Paula Married Ladies Society, 1925In the 1925 memorial booklet for the 75th anniversary of St. Paul Church, the various parish groups are listed. Among the groups is the St. Paula Married Ladies Society. This group posed for a photo and Mary Pulskamp is listed as the St. Paula Married Ladies Society descriptionsociety’s treasurer. She is shown in the back row of the photo, second from the left.

There is also a description of the Society which is interesting and attached here. I also cut out Mary Pulskamp’s photo from the main photo so we could get a closer look at her. She reminds me a lot of my grandfather, her oldest son. Mary Pulskamp, 1925


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